[Fife Linux Users Group] MAC Security
John A Thomson of Roundtrip Solutions
2007-04-20 16:35:00 UTC
We had an interesting security debate last night and there was much busting
of the Mac security bubble and as if by fate we have this roll up security


So there we go, just as insecure, maybe even worse than Windows and Linux.

I loved Barrie's saying, "All OSes suck!"

Many thanks and regards


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Barrie Dempster
2007-04-20 17:04:26 UTC
Post by John A Thomson of Roundtrip Solutions
I loved Barrie's saying, "All OSes suck!"
The official dead troll website but was not responding when I posted this.
Every OS sucks - http://www.emp3finder.com/dsong.aspx?id=94662&rID=qRX233
The war of 1812 - http://www.emp3finder.com/dsong.aspx?id=124433&rID=48Bmlo

Search for 3 dead trolls on that site for all their other mp3's. These are all
freely distributable. Although on their mp3's they have the following at the
beginning, which is a great example of their humour.

"Well Hi there. Thank you for downloading another fine quality comedy product
from Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie and your friends at MP3.com - good for
you. Of course, if you've downloaded this from Napster - Screw You! You know
what - free isn't good enough for ya? You've gotta rip us off? That's okay! I
will find you, and I *will* kill you, ha ha ha."

Which is a pretty good example of their humour.
With Regards..
Barrie Dempster (zeedo) - Fortiter et Strenue

- http://reboot-robot.net -

"He who hingeth aboot, geteth hee-haw" Victor - Still Game
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Barrie Dempster
2007-04-20 17:07:21 UTC
at the beginning, which is a great example of their humour.
Which is a pretty good example of their humour.
Brought to by the department of redundancy agency for the redundant redundancy
With Regards..
Barrie Dempster (zeedo) - Fortiter et Strenue

- http://reboot-robot.net -

"He who hingeth aboot, geteth hee-haw" Victor - Still Game
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